Thursday, November 24, 2011

Just Near

No Available Picture
Just Near has been fortunate enough to avoid any visual representation over the year due to his paranoia.


Just Near who goes by Nick in this modern world, grew up in an rich family of criminals. When he was 7, his family was murdered and all of his relatives through blood or marriage were destoryes, but some how Just Near managed to escape.

Being lucky enough to stumble upon a group of vampires who didn't kill him right away, he was able to liveout his childhood became a vampire. After staying with the for a exact date of one year as a vampire, he killed them all.

Abandoning his previous life in peace, he went on a search for power. Being super smart, which could be deadly at times and having dark tendencies wasn't just enough for Just Near or Nick, he wanted more. His goal was to become pure evil and with that came power. He traveled all over the world for years, he picked up bits and pieces of power, but it was never enough.

That is until he met Klaus.

Just Near specialized in the Dark Arts which was an asset to Klaus, so he was accepted into the power circle of life.

Under the watch of Klaus, Just Near's dark personality grew and his knowledge increased. But his paranoia never went away. Having a hard time trusting someone new, Just  Near has no friends other that Klaus and his given minions (people who he changes to have fun with before he kills them) at the moment.

Being a friend of Klaus, Just Near knew about Isabella but he didn't know why they split up. When Klaus decided that he wanted her back, Just backed him up.

Unknowlingly he was attracked to Forks, Washington because it was a small town he could raise an army in, but he ended up running to to Klaus's Isabella.

With long brown hair, which was usually in a ponytail, he looks normal excpet for his eyes. His once blue eyes are now black due to a ritual that went wrong. Just Near prefers black robes, but will wear simple clothes when needed. Normally he carries a knife, dagger or a sword depending on where he's going and whatever he carries is usually laced with poison.


All known information on his backround comes from Just Near when he first met Klaus and thought he could finally trust him.


This is an orginal character that my friend Nick came up with. He's kingnick on
The link to his profile:

Saturday, November 5, 2011


The One and Only:

The main character of my awesome story. She's the first of vampires and found the rocked that stopped the original vampires from burning in the sun. Bella is also the creator of the Cold Ones (they sparkle).
Isabella is the one character that stays strong the whole time without breaking down for the most part. She always stay cool and has no problem with fire (usually vampires are deathly afraid of it....well the Cold Ones are).